Sunday, February 9, 2014

My blog is moving to

Hello readers.  Thank you for your support on my new blogging journey.  I want to be able to expand upon my blog capabilities, so I have moved my blog to:
Please start following me there...
"Wonder what I will come up with next"...

Christmas ornaments as wall decor...

I have a craft room that is "MY SPACE" only!  I have all my supplies stored in there.  Well, most of them, but I have spilled over into other rooms in the house.  SHHHH...don't tell anyone!  Anyway, my craft room is decorated in shoes & purses...fancy!  I was given some shoe & purse Christmas ornaments that were absolutely darling, and I wanted to be able to display them year round.  They were flat painted wood.  I decided to frame them and hang them on the wall.

Happy hanging...
"Wonder what I will come up with next"...

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Storing rolls of wrapping paper

Since I have professed my love of wrapped gifts and not gift bags, I, of course, have more rolls of wrapping paper than I know what to do with.  Storing all of the rolls in a way that is easy to access and see what you have is key!  I use tall boxes and store the rolls upright.

I even store smaller rolls inside larger rolls...

I have a separate box for Christmas paper...

Rolls of printed paper are separate from solids...

It's not fancy, but it is very practical and works well.
Happy wrapping...
"Wonder what I will come up with next"...

Friday, February 7, 2014

Creative Personalized Photo Album covers...

Have you ever had a photo album that you wanted to create, but couldn't find the "perfect" album to use?  OR, the "perfect" album is ridiculously priced?  I have experienced both of these situations and decided to take matters into my own hands.  I purchase basic, inexpensive albums and have used maps, house plans, and photos to cover an existing album, and make it "one of a kind".

When my husband & I travelled to Barcelona Spain, I saved a map of the city and used it as my album cover.

I wrapped it around the entire album.

Once the map was placed where I wanted it, I taped it on the inside covers.  Then I covered the entire outside with strips of packaging tape, placed horizontally, and slightly overlapping.
This was an extra set of blue prints from construction at our house.

Again, I wrapped it around the entire outside of the album and taped it in place.

I even used the blue prints on the inside cover...
The aerial pictures on the bottom were taken during our hot air balloon ride.  I simply taped them to the album cover.  I used sky blue paper and cut out white clouds.  Very simple!
So you see, you can easily and inexpensively create your own, very personalized photo album for any occasion.
Happy travels...
"Wonder what I will come up with next"...

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Creative thoughts...

I was rockin' out in my car the other day to Sugarland and was totally relating as Jennifer Nettles belted out:
 "I aint settlin' for just getting by, had enough so so for the rest of my life. Tired of shootin' too low, so raise the bar high, I aint settlin' for anything less than everything!"
It was an "AHH HA" moment for me!  This is the reason I decided to start this blog in the first place.  Because I am tired of settlin' and not doing things that I am totally passionate about!  Using my creative brain was what I was born to do!  I get totally "Twitterpated" (Remember Bambi?) when I think about doing something crafty, creative, or a theme décor.  I get lost in my project and forget to eat!!!  I have said that I am "an artist trapped in a sales reps body"!
So, what I ask of you, as readers, is for feedback, please!  Let me know when you like something, or think something could be improved.  Let me know if you have ideas, or things you would like me to write about.  I absolutely welcome your comments!  Thanks!

Butterfly decorated cupcakes...

A butterfly themed birthday party is so easy to do.  We hung foam cut out butterflies from the ceiling, got butterfly printed plates & napkins at the 99cent store, and decorated cupcakes with yogurt covered pretzels.  Simple and inexpensive, but oh so cute!


Happy decorating...
"Wonder what I will come up with next"...

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Giddy Up Horse birthday party

Giddy up!  Theme birthday parties make me soooooo giddy!  I start thinking about them 2-3 months before the event!  My mind spirals OUT OF CONTROL with all of the fun & fantastic things that I want to do and how I want to decorate!!!  This was a horse theme birthday party that I had so much fun planning!

I got small plastic horses and used green & brown sprinkles on the cupcakes.  It looks like horses standing in the grass...too cute!

The food was all displayed in galvanized metal trays and buckets.  Each serving piece had a green cardstock paper label tied on with jute and read what the food items were "meant" to be.  For instance, I had pretzel sticks and potato shoe strings as "Hay", trail mix and popcorn as "Grains", churro flavored cereal as "Oats", and apples, strawberries, carrots & celery in a "Trough".
The table was set with a lime green table cloth "grass", as well as grass scrapbook paper down the center.  I had a wood stable in the center with numerous horses lining the center of the table.  I added a few blue bandanas for color.

Horse plates, napkins and stickers at each place setting.

...and a horse tail made of yarn and blue ribbon tied on to the birthday girl's chair.

Happy horsing around...
"Wonder what I will come up with next"...